魔鬼 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 恐怖片 2004

导演: jean rollin


  Set in an unspecified French village, the locals are shocked when a group of girls skinny dipping in the nearby lake (all very tastefully done I hasten to add) are killed by a group of zombiefied Nazi soldiers, that spring up out of the waters and drag them down to their demise.
  A couple of detectives are brought in to try and solve the mysterious murders, only to end up as the zombies next victims. It turns out that during the war, the French resistance ambushed and killed a squad of German soldiers and dumped the bodies into the nearby lake, but failed to take notice of any of the local superstitions (never a wise move). Although, seeing as this film appears to be set in the early 80's, why it's taken so long for them to emerge and start killing people is a bit of a mystery, but there you go.
  Not-with-standing, the villagers quickly organise a lynch mob to take down the zombie menace, only to end up being decimated by the undead soldiers, who's 'convincing' zombie make-up basically consists of green paint, which doesn't even cover the whole of the actors faces and keeps washing off in the lake.
  There's also a bizarre sub plot about one of the zombies visiting his former daughter, who strangely still looks all of 12 despite the fact she should be in her 40's if she was born near the end of the war, but then since when did logic ever come into these films? Such as why do their uniforms still look almost new despite being underwater for 40 years, or how come the skinny dipping girls are only knee deep in the water when viewed from the lakeside, yet appear to be swimming in 12 feet of it from the underwater shots?
  Bad acting, naff zombie make-up (the aforementioned green face paint), painfully obvious underwater shots filmed in a swimming pool, not to mention the plot inconsistencies bigger than the aforementioned lake itself. Low budget doesn't even begin to describe this film, which quite unbelievably was directed by respected Eurohorror director Jean Rollin, albeit under the pseudo name J A Laser.
  That's not to say the film isn't without merit. I bust a gut laughing at the thoroughly ridiculous scenes of the zombies attacking the naked young girls, and the equally ridiculous slapstick battle with the angry villagers. Utterly hilarious, grab the six pack and the popcorn and have a blast!


  • 褒绿凝 4小时前 :


  • 焉梅英 4小时前 :


  • 郎菁英 8小时前 :

    公交车打斗很精彩,其他情节和设定都太套路了,东方瓦坎达。借鉴了一大堆别的电影。工匠类技术(CGI,打斗调度)都看起来很不错。配乐不好听,而且一直都在放,听着很烦。演技很好。逼着美国人全程看字幕 不错。服装道具一般。本来想打三星的,看到好多一星评论在骂演员的普通话不标准,觉得很冤枉,所以打四星鼓励一下。。。本来以前的侠客也都是南腔北调的,干嘛都要说标准普通话啊。。。

  • 运鸿 4小时前 :


  • 褒水风 4小时前 :


  • 阿初蝶 2小时前 :


  • 程雨伯 8小时前 :


  • 秦颜骏 4小时前 :

    最起码不是很差的漫威(比《蚁人2》和《钢铁侠3》不是强多了),就是整体质感有点廉价,故事线简单粗暴。akwafina真的是天生的喜剧演员,so watchable。动作戏的场景设计也小有巧思。总之要支持亚裔做主角!

  • 首牧歌 3小时前 :


  • 茹鸿风 2小时前 :

    people magazine sexiest man alive 2022给梁朝伟不过分吧 恭喜大家心甘情愿获得新的亚洲daddy

  • 龚芸馨 5小时前 :


  • 通天薇 9小时前 :


  • 滕起运 7小时前 :


  • 陀诗双 5小时前 :


  • 黎丽文 4小时前 :


  • 黎运杰 4小时前 :


  • 鲁清妍 1小时前 :


  • 蓓柔 2小时前 :


  • 梦雪 0小时前 :

    之前大家讨论度很高的ruhua其实还好,里面更多是一种自嘲在,没至于到戳肺管子。最让我无语的还是an American girl saved the world,对着元华被抓走都只能干瞪眼的美国人,突然灵光闪现拯救所有成为战斗转逆点,主角打打斗斗抵不过人家一箭封喉😅整套戏由这开始急转直下,主角光环从此在我脑海模糊,who was the protagonist😅❓

  • 诗茜 6小时前 :

    挺失望吧。本来期待的是十环牢牢锁住Simu Liu的双手与双脚,Tony Leung凑近他长满胡渣的潮红的脸颊用气声念道,“尚气,爸爸吃过的盐比你吃过的饭还要多”,结果最后又给我整了一出金刚大战哥斯拉,累了。


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